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Archive for ‘Words’

If you haven’t noticed, I’m doing a bit of a parody of the movie “District 9″, which I loved. So, if you are new to the comic, things will be even more confusing. Especially if you haven’t seen “District 9″. And if you haven’t, why haven’t you? It’s awesome.

Sorry, in the process of loading the comic for Oct. 9th, I overwrote the comic for Oct. 8th. Those of you who were very confused had every right to be.
However, all has been duct-taped, smoothed over, and otherwise repaired. So, if you were confused, go back and read the comic from Oct. 8th again.
If [...]

Do you think it would be useful to have a page with a short summary for the main characters? I’m getting to the point where there’s considerable backstory for some of them, and I fear that will be a hindrance to new readers.
What do you think?
Update: I’ve created a “cast” page for the comic, which [...]

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I recently upgraded ‘nonobvious’ to WordPress 2.8.4, and somehow in the process lost all access to the dashboard for the blog. This meant that I could no longer import new posts. After trying many, many things and fumbling around in files that I have no business fumbling around in, I finally contacted the help desk [...]

Another webcomic I keep forgetting to recommend, and which you probably never heard of, is Brendan Douglas Jones’ excellent “Breakfast of the Gods” The site navigation is a little challenging, but well worth the effort.
Imagine a universe where all the beloved cereal mascots of your youth, Tony the Tiger, Toucan Sam, Cap’n Crunch, the Cookie [...]

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Bitstrips has now added the ability to put characters on merchandise, which completely cracks me up. For some reason, the idea of putting “myself” on a T-shirt tickles my fancy. I would totally use this design:

Are you reading FreakAngels, the free online webcomic written by Warren Ellis and illustrated by Paul Duffield?

If not, why the hell not?
A new comic is posted (almost) every Friday.

If you like comics where the author can actually draw, you should go read The Abominable Charles Christopher, by Karl Kerschl. It’s sweet, and funny, and sad, and amazingly well illustrated.
Go read it.