It’s totally cliche to say the Japanese are freaks when it comes to cartoon sexuality. And it’s also true. The latest exhibit for the prosecution is a game released in Japan this October that features optical recognition and glyph tracking to display virtual anime cuties. It looks like you place the glyph cube to define the location of your cutie in 3-D space, and then you use a glyph paddle to interact with her. And by “interact”, I mean take her clothes off and spank her. Then when she’s curled up weeping in the corner, you can give her gifts of stuffed toys and new outfits.
I’m not kidding.
The following video contains excessive terrified squealing. Oh, and make sure you watch to the very end for the surprise guest.
These photos of a very large Golden Orb Spider munching on a bird are currentlycirculating around the web. They are very real, and were been taken in a backyard in Australia. Experts suggest that the bird (a chestnut-breasted mannikin) flew into the spider’s web and become entangled.
Credit for any and all nightmares resulting from these images can be laid at the feet of SFSJ, who brought them to my attention.