flotsam » Archive of 'Feb, 2011'

Once Upon a Time…

demotivational posters - ONCE UPON A TIME . . .
see more Very Demotivational

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Snowman Slide

This may be one of the greatest things ever constructed using frozen water.

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Real Life Mario Kart

This is six flavors of awesome.

I hope Hollywood never discovers freddiew, because he’d go get all famous and rich and then his videos would suck. It’s a law of nature.

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Just Because it’s Awesome


via Ticklebooth

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Best. Comic. Ever.

If you cut your rational thinking teeth on the series ‘Cosmos’ with Carl Sagan, as I did, you will probably also enjoy this comic by ninjerktsu:

Carl Sagan and his Fully Armed Spaceship of the Imagination

via Neatorama

Reading: Best. Comic. Ever.Tweet This!! (Send Page to Twitter) Tags:astrology, homeopathy, sagan, science
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