Here’s the view from the top of Sexton Mountain, looking east. Toward the rest of Beaverton. Portland is on the far side of the hills in the distance, just left of center.
They are building a new cookie-cutter subdivision at the base of the ‘mountain’. I suspect that ‘Sexton Mountain’ is named after the subdivision, rather than the subdivision being named after the ‘mountain’. They removed a good chunk of the hill in the process, leaving a sheer drop just beyond the fence in front of me. It will only be a matter of time before some teenager clutching the neck of a 40-ouncer in their fist, falls screaming to their death.
The parking lot to the right is for the new Haggen’s store. I love Haggen’s. I don’t know what kind of eldritch pact they made with the dark forces of customer satisfaction, but I will always shop there when I have the chance, even though it is out of my way. I took my daughter shopping this afternoon, and then we visited the park on top of the hill. She loves coming up here to see the view.
The picture was taken on a break between rainstorms. On a truly clear day, you can see Mt. Hood from here.