But now I’m starting to get folks stumbling in from unrelated Google searches. This didn’t happen much until recently, and I started wondering what had changed. I checked my Google pagerank, and it has jumped from 0 to 4 (on a scale of 0 to 10). That’s kind of amazing. I could actually start getting real traffic through here, whether that was my original intention or not.
This could really go to my head. But it’s not a bad thing. More traffic = more fans, more fans = more demand, more demand = bestselling memoirs, early retirement, and hitting the talk show circuit. Cool.
But, every epic journey begins with a baby step. And one thing that successful bloggers do is open a Cafe Press store, and hawk their hats, T-shirts and mousepads, each emblazoned with their logos, witticisms or obscene mottos. It got me thinking about it. Wearing a hat with my blog on it would be a hoot. It would certainly be a conversation starter. So, I mocked one up at Cafe Press to see what it would look like (click for full-size):
That looks good, but it’s a Trucker’s cap, with a foam crown. It’s what the good ol’ boys called a ‘gimme’ cap. I’d rather see something of a little more quality.
That’s a nice-looking cap, but the placement of the logo in the patch is kind of awkward. It’s a rectangular logo, in an oval patch. Doesn’t work that well. Maybe just the plain cotton cap?
That’s nice. That’s a good looking cap. But I bet I could move beyond just hats. What could be better than a hot cup of coffee served in a PAgent’s Progress mug?
What a great mug. That’s a mug that folks would talk about around the watercooler. A mug like that would improve a cubicle just by sitting on the desk. But why limit myself to hats and mugs? If you have a devoted fan, they want to really advertise. They want the website blazoned across their chest for the whole world to see:
Looking good! That’s a really handsome T-shirt. But I’m not much for T-shirts, myself. I prefer long-sleeved shirts, and really like sweatshirts.
Now that’s awesome. A sharp, stylin’ hoodie, spreading the word about my website. I have to admit, that logo looks good on just about everything. Caps, mugs, shirts–
GAH! Too far! Too far!
Never mind.
So I have to make my own PAgent thongs? Great… And I’m all out of magic markers.
I’ll take a half dozen thongs and a trucker’s hat (for the wife)
As I said before to you offlist, you need to put a picture of the back of your head on those thongs.