PAgent’s Progress

Words Are My Favorite Toys

July 11th, 2006

Business Reply

If you click on the image of the envelope below, you can view a small, sixteen-page pamphlet that is intended to be put inside the postage-paid, business-reply envelopes that come with junk mail offers. Every envelope collected is stuffed with the pamphlet and mailed back to its original company.

This has been a tactic used to strike back against junk mailers for quite some time, but I have never seen it executed with such artistic vision. This is very nearly brilliant.

The pamphlet contains some adult imagery, and is probably not safe for work.

July 11th, 2006

Fairing and Front Tire

Last night I managed to set aside some time to work on my bike. I finished installing the Windwrap fairing, then took off the front wheel and took off the tire. After cleaning the rim, I put the new tube and tire on and pumped it up. Then I cleaned and regreased the axle bearings. THEN I replaced the brake pads on the front brakes.

Faired Burley Koosah

Here’s the Koosah with the fairing installed

New Tire

Here’s the new front tire. Shiny!

July 11th, 2006

So you think you can ride a bike?

I bet you can’t ride a bike like this woman can ride a bike.

July 11th, 2006


Please, people, please. Do not drink and drive. The results can be horrific and tragic.

Unless you’re very lucky, one of the best possible outcomes is that people will mock you on the internet:

July 11th, 2006

(7 year itch) x 2

It was 1992, and my fiancee and I were living in a ~900 square foot rental house in Eugene, Oregon. I was making $18,000 a year as a post-doc, and my fiancee, who also had a PhD and couldn’t get a job as a waitress, was making pennies at a non-profit daycare center.

Her father had given each of his children a cash gift for tax purposes, and that gift had paid for our relocation to Oregon from the midwest, with enough left over to pay for a catered dinner for 40, with all the Bridgeport Blue Heron you could drink. We had to bring in a Justice of the Peace from over the Coast Range in Florence to perform the ceremony. I was wearing a tan sport coat that was a little too snug, and she was wearing a dress she had found at the last minute. I was still sporting the ponytail I grew in grad school.

Our lives were very tense. We fought a lot. I’m not sure that getting married at that point in our lives was the smartest thing we could have done. But when I tried to thank the guests for attending our little ceremony, I almost couldn’t speak for the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks.

I could never have imagined being where we are now. We have gone through three houses, a couple of careers, and a handful of cats. We have wiped away tears, cleaned up vomit, staunched bleeding, and changed a billion diapers.

She has been my social organizer, bookkeeper, and culinary guinea pig. And beyond that, she delivered our two children, the greatest gifts I have ever received, and we take turns keeping each other from killing them.

In every meaningful way, she is my partner, and I cannot imagine how my life would have been without her.

Happy Anniversary, sweetie.