flotsam » Posts in category 'Gadgets'

Immaterials: The Ghost in the Field

There are those who believe RFID tags are the spawn of Satan, tools expressly designed to permit the Illuminati to track our movements, and monitor our activities.

On the other hand, I’ve been involved with many patent applications that use RFID tags in very intelligent, and very useful, ways.

Either way, this video depicts a very clever way to determine the 3-D shape of the radio field generated by an RFID reader.

Immaterials: the ghost in the field from timo on Vimeo.

Tags:field, invisible, LED, RFID

Vortex Cannon

I have an AirZooka at home, and I love it. The joy of being able to harass a cat from across the room cannot be overstated. But this? This is genius. And I want one.

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